By Ryan Newton
May 10, 2021
Am I the smartest guy in Illinois, Missouri , or any state? If I were a betting man, I would bet no! So why are you finding me on Google as the smartest guy in Illinois, Missouri, or whatever state? Well, most of it has to deal with SEO (Search Engine Optimization). What's SEO ? If you looked on Wikipedia it would tell you that its the process of improving the quality and quantity of your website and website traffic by communicating to the search engines more efficiently. In Laymen terms its how people find your website on google. If they find you on the first page of google or the third page it all deals with SEO. Is your website set up correctly so that search engines, like google , can show your website to consumers when they are looking for you. If the consumer knows who you are and searches you by your business name, most likely the consumer can find your website no problem. The real value is when the consumer is looking for you but doesn't know who you are . So, in what scenario would a consumer be looking for you, but doesn't know who you are? Lets say you're looking for a plumber in your local town but don't know any personally. Most people will just google "plumbers near me". So what makes certain plumbers be seen on top of the first page vs the third or fourth page ? You guessed it. SEO! Now of course there are a lot of reasons that I wont get into that helps websites rank higher on Google, but for now lets just focus on one of the most important reasons SEO. As you can see you found my page by googling " smartest guy in Illinois " or whatever state. You were able to find me this way because I set up my SEO so that would be the case. I designed my website for that specific reason to get a " wow " factor from my clients and potential clients. A potential client might ask me how I can help their business. Their business might not be showing up on the first page of google as of right now and I guarantee that if they met any sales reps before they all promised them that they will be there without getting any results. So, the business owner is understandably suspicious, but once I have them google "Smartest guy in Illinois" and I come up it shows that I can actually get them results . If you have any questions or want more specifics, please leave a comment or contact me anytime! Thank you